The answers: me and Chicago.
Actually, these are stories I am working on and I need your help finding these people.
Were you an original Soul Train Dancer who shook your groove thang in Chicago? If this you or someone you know, please contact me.
I am still working on my roller skating books – Chicago Roller Skating and Black Roller Skating in Chicago, and I need people to share their memories on Real Skate Stories.
For my readers that don’t what Fun Town is, that was the last community amusement park on the South Side of Chicago. I’m still collecting memories.
In addition to The Write Design Company and my blogging ventures, I am collecting memories to write books on these topics. Thank you for any help you can give me.
Do you have any topic ideas you need promoted? Let me know and I’ll be glad to help.
Images: newsone, travelblat, quadsk8