I attended Dwayne Hirsch’s networking event last night at Red Kiva, and it was such a blessing. I actually went there to get Garrard McClendon’s autograph for a young lady, and ended up being blessed beyond belief.
First, Lester McCarroll of McCarroll Group, my business counselor was there and encouraged me to approach a producer of a local show to see if there is opportunity to collaborate with my Shorty blog. I felt like he was reading my mind. He was standing behind me….
Then there was Otis Monroe, President of The Monroe Foundation. His organization helps local nonprofits with grants and capacity building. He told me to attend the grant orientation for the local reporting initiative and to network my tail off. He also told me to introduce myself as THE South Side Resource.
After speaking to Mr. Monroe, I was on 10. I am positioning Shorty to be THE South Side Resource, so he wasn’t far from the truth. His encouragement gave me the confidence I needed to let everyone know about Shorty. Now, I need to put that confidence on paper to get this grant.
I just really had to get this off my chest. I also wanted to show how what goes around comes around. You are guaranteed to be blessed by being a blessing.