As I enter into 2011, I realize there are some things that I MUST do.

- I really need to start video recording interviews for my blogs. This will not only help with my confidence, it will also give me blog content.
- It would be great to interview Aaron McGruder, the creator of The Boondocks. The more I look at the show, the more I fall in love with his creative genius. There are just some scenes I wouldn’t have thought about on my own. I absolutely love how he thinks. Maybe I can catch him when I got to LA to present at Blogging While Brown. Sweet!!!
- I am going to hire people to help with my ventures. I know I need help, but I’ve been dodging ADDITIONAL responsibility. It’s time to move to the next level with Shorty and The Write Design Company.
- Manage my time better. There are so many things to do and ample time to do it if I manage my time better. Yeah, there are things that just won’t get done in the time allotted, but they could get done if handled properly.
- Remove limiting thoughts. Generally speaking, I have a high level of spirituality and I know I can I have everything I want if I ask, believe and work towards it. That’s not the problem. My issue is allowing things I read to affect me personally. Things over which I have no control like my race and gender. I’m going to work on seeing myself as a child of God who can have anything I want instead of a black woman living in a racist, sexist and other “-ist” America.
- I’m going to call people more. Technology is good for a quick hello, but nothing is sweeter than the sound of your loved ones doing OK. Well, it’s better to see and hug them, but when that is not possible, a phone call is the next best thing.
- I’m going to have a block party. I used to be the active block club president. I still hold the title, but I’m not active. As I rolled through different communities last year having block parties, my feelings were hurt because we weren’t having one on my block. This year, it’s on. It’s going to be in August with good food and fun.
- I need to connect with young people. My goal is to do so with my summer creativity camp.
- I want to start a healing program for black women in America. Most of us are beyond jacked up, and we just don’t know it. Well, I’m aware. The problem with that is, unless we turn off all media sources that are telling us that we are “less than” and spend time talking TO instead of ABOUT each other, that will not happen. Now, in addition to EVERYTHING else I have going on, I want to incorporate something else. This should be interesting, but totally worth it. I think I know just how to start it. It’ll work if I have a co-facilitator to help. There goes that word again – HELP!
- Write ALL my books. I was just about to push out my ABCS of Live Blogging book when I was told that I need to change it for the most basic blogger. And the same is true of my blogging book. NOW, it’s back to my writing life. I know what I need to focus on and complete.
- I need to figure out how to make Shorty: Your Chicago South Side Resource more relevant. I have an idea. Now, I just have to work it. That actually takes me back to #1. See, everything works full circle.
- One last thing, I decided to add speaker to my resume this year. I already write a lot (I’m the biggest scholar that’s not in school I know). I talk a lot. Why not get paid for it?? I already have an idea for my first speech.
That’s all I have for now. I’m sure there’s more, but I’m getting overwhelmed just looking at this list.
Sounds like a plan! Wishing you the best of the best!
I really dig your idea # 9. TRUE WOMEN don’t “talk” behind backs, they talk “TO” folks with whom they have issues. Even the Bible speaks of when one matures he/she should put aside childish things. 🙂
Thanks for sharing.
Many people are scarred, but aren’t aware of how deep those issues really run. AND, I’m a little worried that many women probably don’t even know what TRUE womanhood is.
Marcie your list is soooo doable for you & on point! Keep your eyes on the prize and set your sights for future accomplishments by staying positive:)
Onward & Upward!
Thanks Clara. I shall make something of this list. In addition to the one I posted on your site. 🙂
Marcie, your lists are definitely on point! Keep looking forward to accomplishing your goals by remaining positive and true to yourself:)