Things are falling into place now that I, the Billion Dollar Blogger, have written a plan and started working it.
Entrepreneurship, blogging, live blogging, writing and social media are the primary topics on The Write Design Company’s blog. However, I’m really stuck on entrepreneurship and blogging these days. Now that I’ve just started using my blog the way it’s supposed to be used, good things are happening. I was invited to a social media workshop because someone found my website. The Write Design was also included in an African American business directory. I don’t how they found me, but I’m glad they did.
Also, I will be presenting a live blogging presentation at the WordPress Meetup on Wednesday, August 18th. Get more details here.
One more thing, I entered Blogapalooza, a 24-hour blog-a-thon from August 17 – 18th. A draft of my blogging book, ABCs of Blogging, will be done by the end of the marathon. I’m excited. That was the opportunity to finish. Otherwise, I would have been in big huge “I’m going to…” mode.
Shorty: Your Chicago South Side Resource has over 1,000 viewers even though they don’t leave comments. I have to figure out to get people to comment. They all use the contact form to reach me. Engagement is good. I’m about to get out into the community more which will create more relationships and more supporters. I have a couple more ideas for Shorty, but they have to be developed, but I know it’ll be on and poppin’!
I have been assigned to interview Chaka Khan for N’Digo! Woo hoo! That will be happening on August 17th.
All of my other writing projects are going on target as scheduled. It’s such a blessing.
That’s all that’s happening in my world. I’m carving my place in the journalism and blogging world slowly but surely. After these foundations are laid, I’ll be writing my visions for my 2011 ventures.