Writing is not only my passion; it’s my purpose. I know I have been commissioned by God to share things people would not know otherwise, thus Shorty: Your Chicago South Side Resource and As NOT Seen on TV. However, I am still trying to determine my writing purpose for my teens (when I finally get to them).
In addition to teaching the art of writing (which I pray I am qualified to do), I think I should be sharing black history and technology information. Both, I feel, are lacking in the school system. If I give these young people the tools to create a living, they should eat the rest of their days. I know a lot of stuff, and I would probably be condemned to Texas with George W. if I don’t pay what I know forward.
I just had a cool thought. As a future employer of teens, I will be teaching the past and the future. That is so cool. I just have to figure out a creative way to get this information across.
Actually, I think my Shorty cartoon will be essential in making this happen. Come to think of it, I might just have my teen crew to create it. It depends on their level of motivation, though. Can’t turn Shorty over to just anybody. 🙂
These were just my thoughts about my purpose in writing for teens.