I visited the office of one of my government officials today. I took two copies of my business information in one folder. She made the comment about me being wrong for doing it. I asked her if there was a problem. She said, “You brought information like this in one folder to the secretary of [government official].”
I looked at her like she had two heads. I’m sorry, my presentation cannot be like the piss poor quality of service I’ve been receiving from that office. I’m better than the treatment they’ve been giving me, and I wanted them to know it.
When I told the person who I was, she turned up her nose. Well, I’m not digging her either, but I’m a business woman on a mission. In the final analysis, she would be jobless should that official lose “their” job, and I’ll be living the billionairess lifestyle I’m working to attain. She is just a stepping stone (a very small one) to where I’m trying to go. One day soon, I’ll visit her office and ask her, “How you like me now?”