My presentation, “Rolling Down Memory Lane”, at Mather’s Cafe was really fun. The room was full of people who used to – and still do – roller skate, so there was lively conversation about roller skating memories. And I am so grateful for everyone who attended and supported. Specifically,
- Chuck Freilich,Director of Repriorment and Lifelong Engagement at Mather LifeWays for contacting me for this opportunity
- All of the attendees
- Hurley Green, Managing Editor of the Independent Bulletin newspaper for the collage and coverage
- Jim McKay from IIT for video recording my presentation
- Sarah and Renee, my fellow Toastmasters
- My girl, Carol, for the cool roller skate t-shirt
If you know of any organizations that would like to learn about Chicago’s roller skating history, put them in touch with me. Hope you can make it to the next presentation.