If I sound a little sarcastic, it is because I am.
First of all, people keep telling me what I should do. WTF??? I do not ask their thoughts on what I should be doing; they just tell me. I would like to think they have my best interests at heart, but it’s becoming annoying. I already know what I need to do. I’m working on putting things in place.
I don’t want to burn any bridges, but I really want to tell them., “Thanks, but your advice is NOT needed.” Really, it isn’t. I’m really holding tight to what was stated in Three Feet from Gold, “Seek counsel, not opinions.” But, I need a way to stop people before they get into their spiel.
So, can anyone give me a nice way of telling people that I really don’t need their advice.
I think a lot of people are guilty of giving unwanted advice. I am…
My only thing would be is just to be polite and say that you have it covered and thank you for taking the time to think about me. It is the only thing you can do.
Thank you for the nice way of sharing my thoughts. I didn’t want to blurt things out in frustration.