I am currently working on three stories which require me to wait for information from sources. However, I just want to give an update – mostly for my accountability purpose. School to Prison Pipeline I read that schools in a many states were having young people locked up for fighting in school. This is understandable…
Internship Opportunity at NBC 5 Chicago
NBC 5 is looking for college students with interest in broadcast journalism, the web and social media to intern during the morning daypart this fall. The position involves working closely with show producers, writers, reporter, anchors and executive producer. You will learn how to write for the air & web – and how to dig…
Check Out Our Live Blogging Feature in Rolling Out Magazine
Zondra Hughes featured The Write Design Company’s Live Blogging services in Rolling Out Magazine. Read more…
The 3 Main Reasons Why Your Book is Not Written
So, you say want to write a book and it’s not done. Why? What’s holding you back from completing the book that has been placed in you? Check out the top 3 reasons I discovered why your book isn’t written. 1. Excuses “I don’t have time” and “I can’t write” are the two main excuses…
So Much for Encouraging and Uplifting
I had a conversation with a guy who gives seminars ranging from $497 (early bird rate) to $997. He sent me the information and I told him that it wasn’t in my spending plan at this time. I also told him that I would catch him next time. If giving workshops is what he does,…
New Developments at Marcie Writes
To date, I have pretty much been blogging “safely” about my writing life and trying to keep the focus of my site on writing and my business ventures. I’m more than just a journalist and blogger. I’m more than just business. I’m a daughter, sister, friend, community advocate, Black history buff with a bit of…
Blogging While Brown Was a Dream Come True
Blogging While Brown (BWB) was a dream come true for me on so many levels. First, my Live Blogging 101 presentation was a success. The only snafu was the slow internet connection at one point which didn’t impact my presentation. That was my first presentation at a conference as well as the beginning of my…
My Lessons from Blogging While Brown
I really enjoyed myself at the Blogging While Brown conference this weekend, and I walked away feeling like a new person. There was a good vibe in the place and everyone pretty much connected. In fact, the relationships were so strong that I almost felt like an outsider initially. The hearts and sincerity were so…
I’m SO Confused! What IS My Brand?
I had a blast at Blogging While Brown. I learned a lot, met good people…man, it was awesome. Another good thing that came from the conference was a state of confusion. It could be considered a bad thing if it weren’t helpful. I went to BWB as @thewritedesign but I ended up engaging as @marcie_hill….
Dear Airport Security: Don’t Lie to Me
So, I was told that I was randomly selected for a security at the airport on yesterday. I hate it when people lie to me – even if their job requires them to do so. My selection was not random. There was something that triggered the check, which is why I was told to step…