I wrote the editor a letter expressing my disappointment about not being paid despite everything I read about them being a paying market. She explained: “it would be more accurate to say we typically don’t pay for unsolicited manuscripts or those requiring a substantial amount of staff editing. It is true that we pay up to $450…
6 Personal Benefits of Writing
I love writing. I live, breathe and sleep writing. I realize that everyone doesn’t have the same feelings as me; yet, there is no getting away from it. Although it is not a basic need for survival like food, clothes and shelter, it will definitely make your life a little easier. Just a little. Still…
I’m Still Heart Broken About Troy Davis
I’m still heart broken about Troy Davis, the man that was executed last Wednesday, September 21, 2011, EVEN though seven of the nine witnesses recanted their stories and no weapon was found. I pretty much live blogged the entire Democracy Now taping of his final hours while watching Twitter streams. The support was overwhelming. What…
The Wonderful World of Websites – Toastmasters Magazine
I am pleased to share my newest published success, Wonderful World of Websites-Marcie Hill – Toastmasters Magazine, despite my disappointment of not getting paid. Click the link above and read when you get a chance. Good things do happen…in spite of…. Image: nitin360
Special Interview with Jennifer Brown Banks, Veteran Writer & Pro Blogger
It was totally an honor to conduct this interview with Veteran Writer and Pro Blogger, Jennifer Brown Banks. Jennifer was the 2nd person who encouraged me to pursue my passion of writing, and spent quite a few hours advising me on how to get started, how to grow in my writing career, and how to…
Two Great Happenings: Guest Post and Panelist Opportunity
First, my guest post, Quick Lessons on Live Blogging, was posted on Basic Blog Tips. Thanks to Vernessa Taylor (@CoachNotesBlog) for encouraging me to post and Ileane Smith (@Ileane) for approving it. Second, I will be on the The Power of Social Media for Social Activism: Can Social Media Create or Advance Social Movements? panel…
If You Are A New Writer to Toastmasters Magazine, Do NOT Expect Pay
Toastmasters magazine accepted a story I wrote, which will be published in October. They sent me the contract stating that they were going to send me three copies of the magazine. I didn’t think anything of it because I just thought that was notification, and the topic of pay was going to come closer to…
It’s Okay NOT to Write Essays on Your Status Updates & 1,000 Word Articles on Your Blog
I understand the power of social media and blogging. I love both. I also understand that we have a lot to say and these tools give us free reign to say what we want and how we want. However, as an avid reader and writer, I need you to understand that people are NOT trying…
Do You Absolutely HATE Writing?
I NEED you! I’m looking for people who absolutely HATE writing or who just break out in hives from the thought of writing. This information will be used in developing writing training programs. Please provide the following information in the comment section below: 1. Your Age 2. Why you hate writing? 3. What can be…
Cool Discovery: Put Your Face on A Magazine Cover
While conducting research for a Time Magazine cover for a blog post, I found a site, Mag My Pic, where you can put your face on a fake magazine cover. I know you’re wondering, “Why would I want to do that?” For me, it was fun. Secondly, it took away the reality of all of…