Do you write for pleasure? Have you ever thought about publishing your work? How do you know when it is time to shift from writer to published author? For most writers it’s when they feel as though they have something to share—they want to be read. If you’re ready, here are some steps that might…
My Lesson for Today: The 50 States & Their Capitols In Song
I’m doing homework with my little sister and she showed me the following video where you can learn the 50 states and their capitols in song in approximately 2 minutes. If you just want to remember the states, check out this kid who sings all 50 states in 34.5 seconds. I just wanted to…
If Your Read is Easy, Thank an Editor
Nathaniel Hawthorne said, “Easy reading is damn hard writing.” I would like to go one step further by saying that writing is hard, but editing is brutal. So, every time you read something that flows smoothly and don’t leave you feeling cross-eyed or confused, thank the writer, but hug the editor. Image: romanceyardsale
African-American Media Panel Discussion – FREE – November 8, 2011
How does the African-American news media cover its community? What more can African-American NGOs, activists and community groups need to get their story told? Join us for a community dialogue between the African-American news media and community. When: Tuesday, November 8 from 6pm to 8pm Where: The Little Black Pearl 1060 East 47th Street Chicago, IL 60653-3600 Click…
Special Interview with Tasha Clopton-Stubbs, Freelance Journalist & Educator
Tasha Clopton-Stubbs is one of the sweetest and coolest people I know. Her passion for journalism and education can be felt in her conversations and actions. I’m not just saying this because she’s my girl; I’m saying it because it is absolutely true. Tasha was selected for this interview for several reasons. First, she’s my…
The Top 10 Reasons Authors Should Blog
As you can see, I have a thing for blogging. My article, The Top Ten Reasons Authors Should Blog, was posted on Build a Better Blog this week. A couple months ago, my story, 13 Reasons Why Writers Should Blog, was published on About Freelance Writing. Check them both out when you get a chance….
Chicago Literary Hall of Fame Cocktail Party and Silent Auction – 10/12/2011
ABC-TV news star Janet Davies will be hosting the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame Cocktail Party & Silent Auction on Oct. 12 in the penthouse of the historic Cliff Dwellers Club located on 200 S. Michigan Ave. Guests can enjoy spectacular views overlooking Grant Park and Lake Michigan while mingling with a cross-section of supporters…
Are All Writers Authors? Are All Authors Writers?
Obviously, I had too much free time to think of this. And I wanted to bring other people into my world of wandering thoughts. My thoughts: Many writers are authors, but not all authors are writers. Many writers have authored books as ghostwriters, but may not have books published under their own names. On the…
Marcie’s Inspirational Moment: Go Even If You Don’t Want to Go
I was invited to a colleague’s grand restaurant opening on yesterday. I really didn’t want to go, but I it’s always a blessing to see someone’s dream come true. Anyway, I started asking people if they roller skated. A few people said no, and one young lady chimed in and started telling me her skate…
Phenomenal Woman by Kenneth Worthington
Phenomenal woman Phenomenal woman where have you gone I’ve read the poems and heard the songs so where have you gone. Phenomenal woman back in the day, they sang about your grace. Your powerful mind and beautiful face, your strength and little waist Your undying love and you the mothers of a race, your sweet…