Note: This should have been published on Tuesday, and I just realized it wasn’t. So, here it is. I had a conversation with someone who said that although she is saddened by the shooting in Connecticut, she cannot really feel bad because kids getting shot in Chicago don’t get equal coverage. Are you frickin’…
5 Reasons Why Community Organizations Should Have Blogs
Community organizations are the “go to” centers in the community. They provide information, resources and assistance to residents in local and nearby neighborhoods. Even though they hold important positions in the community; blogs can help them grow in prominence. Following are five ways how this can be done. 1. Relationships Community organizations can build and…
8 Benefits of Blogging for Business
Blogging has gained popularity over the past few years, but business blogging has really exploded. In addition to making clients and prospects aware of their products and services, organizations use them for customer service, lead generation and promotion. Following are eight benefits of business blogging that can apply to all organizations regardless of size and…
Top 3 Reasons Businesses Should Have Blogs
Not too long ago businesses of all sizes were encouraged to establish an Internet presence with websites. If a business could not be found online, it really wasn’t a business. Today, the same thing is being said about blogs. In fact, some people are advocating blogs over traditional websites while others are including blogs on…
7 Ways to Use Music to Overcome Blogger’s Block
There are many benefits to listening to music. In addition to serving as a healing mechanism, it is therapeutic; it energizes you; and helps you get into your “zone.” Did you know that music can also help you overcome blogger’s block? Check out the folling7 ways you can use music to overcome blogger’s block. Dance…
You’re Invited to MJM Speakers’ Circle Toastmasters Club’s Christmas Gala
Please join me and my Toastmasters Club, MJM Speakers’ Circle, at our Annual Christmas Gala and Open House on Saturday, December 15, 2012. The event will begin at 9:15 a.m. at Thurgood Marshall Library on 7506 S. Racine. You will get a chance to hear new and seasoned speakers; to see how a meeting is…
7 Reasons Chambers of Commerce Should Have Blogs
Chambers of commerce, also known as business associations, are groups of business people that gather to “protect and promote business interests.” Sometimes these groups are the primary resource centers of communities while others are citywide or international organizations. Regardless of their size or location, all chambers need to promote their organizations and communicate with their…
Top 5 Ways Professional Associations Can Use Blogs
Businesses of all sizes and in all industries are using blogs to educate, promote and communicate. These tools can be especially beneficial for professional associations where education and communication with members is critical. Following are the top five ways these organizations can use blogs to improve the value of services they provide to customers, vendors…
3 Things Bloggers Can Learn from Roller Skaters
Since returning to roller skating as an adult three years ago, I’ve become a good skater. If you know anything about roller skating – not rollerblading – the thought of rolling on those eight wheels is scary. Skating is another discipline all in itself. To actually roller skate is a combination of skill and technique….
The 3 Ps of Successful Bloggers
With the explosion of blogs over the past few years, have you ever wondered why some blogs survive and others don’t? What special “ingredients” do the owners of the top 100 blogs on Technorati offer their audiences that are unknown to other bloggers? Following are the 3 Ps of successful bloggers that establishes why their…