People start blogging for a variety of reasons. Some people stick with it, others don’t. If you have blogged consistently for at least six months, you should have a treasure trove of topics. Why not take your career to the next level by joining Toastmasters International? In addition to providing the tools and techniques to…
Many Thanks to Vernessa Taylor – CoachNotes Blog
As you know, I have a posting schedule of every Tuesday of the week. Well, I missed this week because I was working on making my book, 62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block, Kindle ready. Although it is my dream to have a printed book, my cash flow dictates otherwise. So, I was allowing…
Happy Memorial Day from Marcie
The Simplest Way to Overcome Blogger’s Block
That is all.
Review: Modern Tribe’s Events Calendar WordPress Plugin
In my efforts to better serve my audience, I started using Modern Tribe’s free Events Calendar WordPress plugin to promote writing, blogging, publishing, speaking and social media events. I selected it after researching at least six free and premium plugins. It was pretty comprehensive and very easy to use. Modern Tribe’s Events Calendar WordPress Plugin…
3 Signs that You Might Have Blogger’s Block and 3 Ways to Overcome It
According to Wikipedia, “Writer’s block is a condition… in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. The condition varies widely in intensity. It can be trivial, a temporary difficulty in dealing with the task at hand. At the other extreme, some “blocked” writers have been unable to work for years on end,…
Check Out “For the Love Of Words” Newsletter
I have been talking about a newsletter for Marcie Writes for a while now and I’m pleased to share that it is done! Actually, a draft was completed last month but I wanted to make sure that it contained most of the elements that would help others along their writing, blogging, publishing, speaking and social…
Blessed Mother’s Day from Marcie
Learn the Secrets of Blogging – Marcie Hill & Oh So Fuzzy – May 8, 2013
I’m excited to announce that I will be sharing the Secrets of Blogging during an interview with Oh So Fuzzy at the Chicago Stimul8 Office, located at 340 N. Ogden, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. tomorrow evening. Hope to see you there!
5 Ways Journalism Students Benefit from “62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block”
There was time when there clearly defined roles in the journalism industry. Reporters relayed the news; photographers told stories visually; and videographers recorded events. Well, social media, mobile and multimedia tools have blurred those roles and have changed the ways news is reported and consumed. As traditional journalism programs quickly adapt to these new technologies,…