Last month, I wrote that I was in the process of reflecting and correcting, which means a break is in order. During my time off, I’ll be Completing my book, 62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block, for publishing. It’s already on Kindle. Preparing my presentation for the NMX Expo in Vegas in January. While…
Get Your Tickets for the Web Weekend Expo – January 11 – 12, 2014
Do you want to build a new website or revise your current one? Do you want to grow your social media following, sales leads and foot traffic to your business? Do you want to learn how to create content that will help build your brand? Then the Web Weekend Expo is for you. Attend this…
Just Wanted to Share My Handmade Cards
One of the perks for my crowdfunding campaign to publish my book, 62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block, was a handwritten thank you card. Well, I went above and beyond by hand making the cards. And I just wanted to share. Honestly, I didn’t realize how much I missed playing with my paper. And …
Two Resume Resources For Job Seekers
I’ve been looking for a part-time writing, blogging, social media or communications gig to supplement my writing business until I write full-time. Anyway, here are two resume resources I’d like to share with you. Need a Resume? Crystal Marshall, owner of Write to Success. is passionate about producing resumes and cover letters that get results….
My BlogHer 2013 Experience
BlogHer 2013 was held in Chicago in July, and boy did I feel bad about not blogging. While I felt bad about not promoting my author interview with Toneal Jackson, I was floored because I did not share my blogging conference experience. So, I am sharing it now, before the end of 2013. Here are…
Writers, Authors and Wannabes – Join Chicago Writer’s Association for $15 Today!
Are you a freelance writer, author, journalist or wannabe in need of support from a like-minded, helpful individuals? Would you like to have access to ordinary people just like you who are where you want to be in your writing life? Well, you should join the Chicago Writers Association (CWA). This organization has been serving…
Great News! I’m Presenting at New Media Expo in January 2014
I am excited to share that I will be presenting at New Media Expo 2014 from January 4th to 6th in Las Vegas. While I’m still working on a great title, the session will highlight different ways to create blog content without writing…a lot. This is truly an honor and the first step onto the expert…
Nominate Pen & Prosper for Write to Done’s 8th Annual Top 10 Blogs for Writer’s Contest by December 12th
I am a true supporter of Jennifer Brown Banks, who is a writer from the heart. I could sing her praises all day, but I won’t. I will, however, encourage you to check out her site, Pen & Prosper, to read why her site should be nominated and the go to Write to Done to…
Reflecting On 2013 and Correcting for 2014
For the past few weeks, I’ve been reflecting on all of my writing and blogging ventures, including this site, and had to ask myself three questions: Why did I create this site? What is the purpose of this site? What do I want this site to be and do? After I answered these questions, I…
There’s Still Time to Contribute to My Crowdfunding Campaign
Can you believe that’s been 29 days since I launched my crowdfunding campaign to raise money to publish my book, 62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block? It has been a good ride, but it ends tomorrow tonight. Although I did not reach my funding goal of $2,850, I did raise $355. The money raised…