@teambeachbodyfm I love this!
Black Tween Idol Needed
A Black Tween Idol between the ages of 10 – 13 is needed. I would do it myself, but… On second thought, let me think about this. I have an 11-year-old sister who listens to Radio Disney and watches Disney movies, High School Musical and all that other good stuff for young people. It is…
I Want to Teach an After School Matters Program
But I missed the deadline. However, if there are opportunities still available, please let me know. I didn’t realize that I had things to offer until about two weeks ago. Here are my two proposed projects. 1. I can have the students to conduct research on African American history, transcribe their information to create booklets…
Everyone has prejudices. Are y…
Everyone has prejudices. Are you willing to admit to yours?
Shorty Says: Anything Worth Having….
is worth crying for. I f you don’t cray at some point, you’re not really feeling it will drain you mentally and emotionally but it’s worth it will pull out things in you that will show you what you’re made of requires total commitment even if it’s only a few hours a week will challenge…
Shorty’s Breakthrough: I Am Cleaning
Yes, I am actually removing clutters of papers that I have allowed to overtake my personal space. Do you realize how much stuff you keep because you think you’re going to need it at some point? I’m about to scan it and get rid of it. I am also cleaning emotionally. During my 40 day…
I Am Challenged in My Writing Yet Again
I am writing another story for How They Living and I have 480 words and need to get it down to 400. I’m getting my pen and brain in gear to finish AND submit this story before 7:00. It’s on! Chat later.
Shorty Says: Things Needed
I have realized that putting things in the Universe and on social media and blogs yield great results. Therefore, I am posting my need list more for spiritual purposes than anything. Heavy-duty shredder – I need a $100+ shredder for half the price Gym shoes – size 8 Dresses – size 4 Mac Book Pro…
Tom Burrell wrote that message…
Tom Burrell wrote that messages of white superiority and black inferiority have been passed down through centuries. Would you agree?
My Graphic and Web Design Classes Started
I am really elated right now. I started my graphic and web design classes. I took HTML this week. I’ll be taking Illustrator on next week. I can’t wait to learn Flash. I am going to have Shorty dancing across the screen. I would also like to repair old photos. Not just for monetary purpose,…