I’m considering a podcast to discuss black and white in America. Some topics will relate to media, others will discuss systems that divide.
My First Blogging Presentation was a Success
I presented my first blogging presentation on yesterday for my Toastmasters group. I am so excited. The feedback was good AND I received so many tips to make it better. I am going to make all revisions based on the feedback received by Friday. I’m also contemplating the book to accompany the workshop. That was…
Aunt Jemima: Black Exception in 1893 Chicago’s World Fair
In my previous post Lack of Black in Chicago 1893… or Chicago 2016, I shared that black people were not allowed or welcomed at the 1893 World’s Fair. That wasn’t totally true. Generally speaking, that was consensus. There were a couple exceptions. Some African Americans were invited because they represented stereotypes, not progress, in the…
The Writing Life of Marcie Hill: My Divorce
My Divorce My story begins on February 14, 2008. That was the day I received the best Valentine’s Day gift I had ever received: my divorce from human resources. It was the day I left human resources to venture into my life as a journalist. It was both scary and exciting. I questioned my sanity…
Having Faith is NOT Easy
I am so close to my goals. I just know it. The Write Design Company is going to take off really soon. Shorty: Your Chicago South Side Resource is a close second. I just need a little marketing assistance to get me there. I’m actually getting it, but until it comes to fruition, I just have…
My Neighbors are Getting Ridiculous
I’m trying to be a nice person. I’m trying to be the bigger person. But, my neighbors to the north are fucking pissing me off. First of all, it is two years later and we are still in court for the tree that was destroying my property. Now, I come home tonight and my basement…
Was Chicago’s South Side Going to be White City in 2016?
I was sharing information about my blog post, Lack of Black at Chicago’s World’s Fair in 1893…and Chicago 2016, with a buddy and had the following thought. Washington Park is not very far from Jackson Park, the location of the 1893 World’s Fair. Do you think Mayor Daley and his crew was trying to re-create…
Some History Never Changes
I have been indulging in African American history books, and feel more empowered by what I’m learning. I am also disgusted about the fact that there has been little change in the treatment of black people since slavery. Yes, there are more freedoms, but we are not totally free. And, the only thing that has…
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Innocent Man Wrongfully Sentenced to Death – This is NOT New News
I received a forwarded e-mail message about this man who was wrongly sentenced to death for killing a police officer. Check out his story below. On June 30, an innocent man will be given a second chance. In 1991, Troy Davis was sentenced to death for allegedly killing a police officer in Savannah, Georgia. There…