Ok, I’m normally diplomatic in my blog topics and use much kinder and gentler words, but the NY Times article about Virginia Thomas, the wife of Supremee Court Justice Clarence Thomas, contacting Anita Hill for an apology and an explanation on “why you did what you did with my husband” made me come out of…
Why are there Grants for Physical Education in Schools?
I received an e-mail about Illinois State offering grants for nutrition programs and physical education in schools. This is quite disturbing considering these programs could still exist in schools if it were not for corrupt and greedy politicians running the system. They are steady getting richer while the school system is getting poorer along with…
Children Are Geniuses
Photo Removed to Protect A Child I gave my little sister an old poster for her creative ventures. In my adult mind, she was going to make a personal poster, a Hannah Montana collage or a fashion design project. That was not so. She called me into her space and told me to trace her…
Volunteer Political Writers Needed
Volunteer political writers are needed to educate readers about the voting process and politicians on a budding South Side Resource site. The goal is to provide education to voters for the upcoming November 2010 and February 2011 elections. As an educator and resource, you will: Write 100 – 250 word articles on politicians and their…
Black People Were Better as Negroes
I am reading When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America by Paula Giddings, and I am so enlightened and much smarter as a result. The one thing I need to point out was how united black people were in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Life…
Please Help Me Get to Blog World Expo – October 14 – 16
Hi All: I am in need of sponsorship to the Blog World & New Media Expo in Las Vegas from October 14 – 17th. This opportunity will not only allow me to gain the most recent developments in the blogging and social media world; it will allow me to get up close and personal to…
The Writing Life of Marcie Hill: My Journalist Journey Begins
My story began the day I left my human resources career to venture into the world of journalism. I was so excited. I left with a goal to become one of the top journalists in the world. My works weren’t just going to be found in Chicago Magazine and Ebony (although both would have been nice),…
How Many Towns & Cities Were Like Tulsa in 1921?
My friend, Tasha Clopton-Stubbs, wrote an article, “Tulsa Race Riot Victims Seek Justice ‘Before They Die’” for a local newspaper. For those that don’t know, an entire neighborhood was burned down because of “perceived” racial issues. Known as The Black Wall Street, the affluent black neighborhood of Greenwood was completely burned down, during a racial…
Thanks for Your Help…NOT
I contacted someone I know personally on my mailing list to ask them to connect me with the family of a deceased radio personality because they had something I wanted to posted on my blog. We’ll call her Jane. I asked Jane because she said that she had a close relationship with him. When I…
The Writing Life of Marcie Hill: Marcie Hill’s Blogging Story
Click here to read my blogging story at Black Weblog Awards.