I don’t like people touching my stuff. I used to think I suffered from the only child syndrome of “this is mine, don’t touch it.” I now know that I feel the way I do because are just inconsiderate. Some are just selfish and self-centered. Ugh! And, people would NEVER take care of your stuff…
My 10th Speech for Toastmasters is Done
I just completed my 10th speech for my Advance Communicator Bronze (ACB) designation in Toastmasters. Now, all I have to do is practice. I will be giving this speech titled “What Is the One Word That Can Describe Your Life” on Saturday, January 15, 2011. It’s going to be good. It has to be. This…
Things I MUST Do in 2011
As I enter into 2011, I realize there are some things that I MUST do. I really need to start video recording interviews for my blogs. This will not only help with my confidence, it will also give me blog content. It would be great to interview Aaron McGruder, the creator of The Boondocks. The…
Why? Why? Why?
Why do I care when you clearly could care less? Why do you want me to make your priorities my priorities EVEN though the situation could have been addressed? Why do I always have to be the bigger person when confronted by stupid ass people? Why can’t I just say what I want to say…
Shorty’s 2011 Wish List for “Stuff”
There are a few things I want this year that I really don’t need, but they will come in handy with my projects. I think that’s it. These items really wouldn’t set me back that much, but until my business starts to generate a consistent cash flow, I’ll visit this page frequently as a reminder. …
Happy 2011
I want to wish you many blessings and much prosperity in 2011. May you get the desires of your heart. Don’t forget to help others along the way. Sincerely, Marcie
I’m Looking Forward to the Day When…
1. Someone close to me expresses a need for $200 or less and I can GIVE it to them. 2. I won’t have to worry about how my mortgage is going to be paid. 3. I can tell my friends to cancel their plans for the weekend, pack up the children, and join me for…
Is Another Blog Needed??
I think I need to start a blog where I can gripe about stuff that bugs me anonymously. That way, people I know won’t really know that I’m talking about them and I cannot offend people I am trying to serve in my business. Why do things have to be so complex?? Anyway, I’m trying…
I’m Only INTO My People Right Now
I have been getting referrals to interview people who are doing great things. I love seeing people in their glory, working their purpose. But, at this time, I am only interested in interviewing people I know. It’s not that those people are irrelevant. It’s just that…well, I know so many people in my immediate circle…
Vote for Pen & Prosper for 101 Best Websites
Hi All, Writer’s Digest is sponsoring its annual 101 Best Websites competition, and my mentor, Jennifer Brown Banks, has thrown her site, Pen & Prosper, into the ring. To help her attain this goal, please cast a vote by following the three steps below: Compose an e-mail to writersdig@fwpubs.com Put “101 BEST WEBSITES” in the…