Growing South Side resource site is seeking research and writing interns. Ideal interns will be high school and college students with good writing skills, creative minds and pleasant personalities. A strong interest in learning more about the diverse communities that make up Chicago’s South Side is essential. Must be comfortable searching the internet and have…
Reading the Education of The Negro Prior to 1861 by Carter G. Woodson
And I must say that this book is deep that it is taking at least 10 minutes to read ONE page. Oh my goodness, that’s so heavy stuff. Carter G. was so highly enlightened that he started Chapter 1, the introduction, with “Brought from the African wilds to constitute the laboring class of a pioneering…
Updates on My Progress
I am pleased to report my progress on the following projects: 1) Both of my proposals to present at the Blogging While Brown conference had the most votes. So, I’ll be presenting Live Blogging 101. 2) I’m squeezing in research for my roller skating book, and I’m working on an intern job posting to get…
Where are the Black People In Roller Skating?
I was checking out roller skating books at Harold Washington Library, and there were very few black people in the few books I found. Bill Butler’s book is the only book that featured black people. Bill is black, by the way. The few books that did highlight black people showed them in the 1970s during…
Too Excited NOT to Share
I attended Dwayne Hirsch’s networking event last night at Red Kiva, and it was such a blessing. I actually went there to get Garrard McClendon’s autograph for a young lady, and ended up being blessed beyond belief. First, Lester McCarroll of McCarroll Group, my business counselor was there and encouraged me to approach a producer…
How do you define success?
While working on one of my many projects, a thought came to me: What is success? I know success means different things to everyone, but these are just a few things that define success for me. 1. Living in and on purpose. I write or blog every single day, and I love it. 2. Good…
My First Time Ever Expressing Thoughts on Sarah Palin
I have never really had an opinion on Sarah Palin, but after viewing this video, I would have to say she’s an idiot. The whole thing was fake. And she needs to work on verbal expression as she reads from her teleprompter. Not very convincing at all. And, how the hell is she going to…
My Bio Had I Been “Notable” Enough for Wikipedia
According to Wikipedia, if you don’t meet certain criteria , you are not notable enough to be included on the site. Truth be told, half the people I’ve seen on Wikipedia – on purpose and by accident – don’t hold much weight. But hey, those are their rules. Why I am I writing about this?…
This is My Year!
I have no consistent cash flow but I do have loads of faith. I know The Write Design Company is going to take off this month. I am so excited! Things are happening with Shorty. I just don’t know what yet. They are good, though. I have not worked on my books this year. That’s…
You Are by Charlie Wilson is My Jam!!
Uncle Charlie is bad in his seasoned years. He is officially one of my favorites. And he gets many cool points for having a roller skating rink in this video. Yes, I enjoy my wheels. And I’m totally in heaven when I get to skate to this.