I know we are bombarded by people doing dumb stuff on social media ev’ry day, but these two Olympians trump most. For now. Keep in mind, in the cases of the stories I share on my site, you are what you do.
Dumbest Olympians on Social Media…for Now
How in hades are you going to lose your lifetime dream and years of training for 140 characters and about 60 seconds. That’s exactly what former Olympians Michel Morganella and Voula Papachristou did. They tweeted themselves outta the 2012 Olympics. I would have to say that these two geniuses are by far the dumbest Olympian on social media….for now. The games ain’t over yet.
And I wanted to point out the headline of the second story written by Yahoo. They use “Discriminatory” instead of “racist” which was really the basis of that tweet. Yahoo please! Save me the fluff. Racism is racism no matter which words you use. Yahoo, you are not looking too good as a reliable news source right about now.
News Literacy Moment: Keep a watch on how different media sources use words, pictures and tones to tell stories. Notice the difference in how people are described according to race, class and sometimes gender.
Anyway,when in Switzerland or Greece, don’t do as these Olympians do. They have shown you what NOT to do on social media. Following are things you should do.
Lessons from Dumb Olympians on Social Media
Lesson #1 : Think before tweeting. Weigh your options: lifetime dream and years of training vs. 140 characters and 60 seconds on Twitter.
Lesson #2: Even if you have typed your message and are ready to push that send button, ponder before posting. There’s time to change your mind.
Lesson #3: Common sense…where are you?
What did you think when you learned about these geniuses? How did it change your perception of social media? How did it change your thoughts on decision making?
Sources: inquisitr and yahoo (they used discriminatory)