“It’s about time.” That was the response from three different people who I had told that my book had finally gone to the editor.
The first person who said it was Joe, my friend and photography mentor. My god-brother, Charles, was second. And my little sister, Tamia, was third. All these people were around when I started my project approximately 15 years ago, so they are aware of the time it took to get to this point.
For the month of March, the pastors at church started teaching a new series titled The Delay is Over. Pastor Glenn said, “It’s not about your timing, it’s God’s appointed time.” That statement blessed me to pieces. Not only was my book finished according to God’s timing, three people confirmed it by saying, “It’s about time.”
Pastor Glenn also said that people tend to get frustrated by timelines they set for themselves and don’t meet them. Well, my journey was mired by procrastination for various reasons; a lack of motivation at times; and overwhelm with the amount of work involved or the prospect of tackling the amount of information collected.
However, I’m proud to say that I continued to move forward despite my self-imposed set-backs and I never considered giving up (Do you know how much work I put into the project?). I’m praying that my book is published before May 31, 2025, and will be distributed, purchased and read internationally.
My hours of research and reading until I was cross-eyed have not been in vain. As a member of Chicago Writers Association’s speakers bureau, I have presented Chicago Roller Skating History to over 30 libraries in Illinois, virtually and in-person. Also, people find my site, Real Skate Stories, through random web searched and leave comments about their memories. Some have even sent photos of themselves or their parents. I have been well supported on this journey by people known and unknown. #Blessed
And because I have been diligent about bringing this idea that God gave me to fruition, I believe it will be super blessed because it was completed in God’s appointed time.
How About You?
Have you ever had a “God’s appointed time” experience? If so, share it in the comment box below.
Image credit: Photo-retusz on Pixabay