I am so close to my goals. I just know it. The Write Design Company is going to take off really soon. Shorty: Your Chicago South Side Resource is a close second.
I just need a little marketing assistance to get me there. I’m actually getting it, but until it comes to fruition, I just have to continue to do what I do.
I have no income right now. Wanna know something strange? As much as I know there is no cashflow, I’m not really worried about it because I know something is going to happen soon. Sometimes worry tries to creep in. I ward it off by writing and blogging. Also, I hold tight because I am sooooo close to my goal, and I cannot afford to stop. I do need some money to make my business ventures move forward.
So, what am I going to do? I am going to keep praying, writing and blogging until something happens. I’ll also apply to part-time positions as I get the marketing assistance I need to succeed.