Poor President Obama. It is obvious he is purposed for presidency because anyone else would have been out of the White House by now. By choice. The Tea Party people would not have had to worry about him. But God put Prez Obama there; and God is keeping him there. His presence in the White…
Category: Marcie’s Thoughts
Why Do People Expect Me to Work for Free?
I attended Les Brown’s Greatness Center at The Regal Theater last night and had the following conversation with a colleague in attendance. Colleague: Are you blogging this event? Me: No. Colleague: Well, this is something you should be blogging. Me: I will if he pays me. Colleague: Well, you should be blogging this. Me: I…
This is How I’m Feeling Today – Wishing You The Same
Happy Thanksgiving from Marcie
I just wanted to wish a very blessed and safe Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Image credit: bearwiselandscapers.com
Purpose Creates Opportunity
In last week’s post, Purpose Add Perspective, I shared how I was disappointed with the results of my Shorty: Your Chicago South Side Resource blog. Even though I’m sharing, I’m not hearing anything from my audience. I also shared that I’m so over it. I’ve told several people about my community site, and they…
Purpose Adds Perspective
My Shorty: Your Chicago South Side Resource blog gets at least 1,000 views per month with at least 80% of those being new visitors. On the surface, this sounds great. However, there are absolutely NO conversations on my blog. I had considered reducing my posts to once a week, but I would feel bad about…
What Great Friends I Have….
I have a friend who wants to buy a truck instead of a house for his family. During our last conversation, he said that he was going to buy it because he’s tired of his kids whining and complaining about touching each other. My response to his decision is: “Dude, I don’t care what you…
Illiteracy Rates in America
While conducting research for The Write Design Company business plan, I ran across the following article in Teen Ink titled The Plague of Illiteracy, and it broke my heart. “As a culture, we have begun to value education less, even as countries around us begin to grow at a pace that was before incomprehensible. China…
What the Hell was Virginia Thomas Thinking?
Ok, I’m normally diplomatic in my blog topics and use much kinder and gentler words, but the NY Times article about Virginia Thomas, the wife of Supremee Court Justice Clarence Thomas, contacting Anita Hill for an apology and an explanation on “why you did what you did with my husband” made me come out of…
Why are there Grants for Physical Education in Schools?
I received an e-mail about Illinois State offering grants for nutrition programs and physical education in schools. This is quite disturbing considering these programs could still exist in schools if it were not for corrupt and greedy politicians running the system. They are steady getting richer while the school system is getting poorer along with…