I found this awesome book at Harold Washington Library and would like to own it, but I don’t want to pay the $25 asking price of Amazon. Therefore, if you see it at a thrift store or used book store, pick it up for me. But don’t pay more than $5 for it. I’ll pay…
My Dreams of Being in Time Magazine Shattered….Temporarily
Time Magazine is one of my “dream” publications to write for. I have an idea that would fit perfectly, but they only accept articles written by staff members. That’s OK. I have come up with two ways to get into this magazine: 1) as a subject matter expert and 2) as a staff member. Now,…
You’ll Never Run Out of Things to Write
I went to Harold Washington Library to conduct research on topics and resources to develop my upcoming writing workshops. I started my search with “How to Write.” There were over 920 results! This not only gave me a listing of books on the rules of writing, it also gave me writing topics. Do you know…
Happy Labor Day from Marcie
Wishing many blessings on this Labor Day.
Be Careful What You Wish For…Even with Books
I absolutely love books. There were two books in particular I really wanted: The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith and The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill. So, I got what I wanted. And boy… did I get it. How about The Wealth of Nations has over 1,200 pages and The Law of Success…
Black People in Chicago Were Not Always Allowed to Roller Skate Indoors
In fact, Black people were first allowed to roller skate indoors at the Savoy Ballroom in Chicago’s Bronzeville community on December 8, 1938 thanks to Jimmie Davis, the manager of The Savoy at that time. I don’t have the newspaper articles back this up because the microfilm machines were down at the Vivian Harsh Research…
13 Reasons Why Writers Should Blog
Great news! My guest post, 13 Reasons Why Writers Should Blog, was published on About Freelance Writing. This is exciting because it not only shows my writing expertise, it also helps to sell my blogging knowledge. Check out my story now! Image: Lifehack
13 Reasons Writers Should Blog
This article was originally posted on About Freelance Writing on August 29, 2011. If you are a writer, you should have a blog. A blog is an online representation of you and your writing, which will allow people to get to know you better personally and professionally. You can use it to document your knowledge,…
Marcie’s Top 10 “Must Read” Black History Books
I absolutely love reading Black history books. I feel like an Educated Negro even though I have not read half the books that have been written. Anyway, allow me to share some of the more popular Black history books. I have only read half of these books, but I can’t wait to get to the…
Marcie Recommends: Believe You Can: The Power of a Positive Attitude
Believe You Can: The Power of a Positive Attitude by John Mason is an easy-to-read book of positive words and affirmations. I saw this book in Walgreens on Tuesday. After flipping through a few pages that really made me feel good, I knew I just had to have it. I purchased it on Wednesday, and…