Today is Halloween and there are at least 10 types of posts you can create for this day that will give you a great post and help you overcome blogger’s block. Stories This could include your favorite memory or why you enjoy this celebration. Or, you can share the stories of others. Research Provide background…
Happy Halloween from Marcie
Image: sodahead
Check Me Out: Speaking at Show Me the Blog St. Louis
Overcoming Blogger’s Block Book Review by Sharon Hurley Hall
Sharon Hurley Hall, the talented owner of Get Paid to Write Online, took time from her busy schedule to review my book, 62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block. Please note that she did not do this because her site is in my book. She did it as a favor from one writer to another,…
My Show Me the Blog Experience [RECAP]
My Journey Begins I started on my way to the 3rd Annual Show Me the Blog Conference on Thursday, October 18, 2012 with no idea of where I was going to stay once I got to St. Louis. Okay, I do things like that; I wouldn’t advise anyone else to do it. While checking my…
West Chicago Library Needs Local Authors to Volunteer on November 3, 2012
West Chicago Library is looking for some local authors who would be willing to volunteer an hour of their time to mix and mingle with aspiring writers for its National Novel Writing Month kick-off party, to be held at its “Come Write In” session on Saturday, November 3 at 1:00 pm. This kick-off party is…
Get Tips on Overcoming Bloggers Block on New Site
This is a quick post to let you know that you can get tips, tools and resources on my book, 62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block, on the site for the book Overcoming Blogger’s Block. Here are two posts you’ve missed so far: How to Write a How-To Post How to Write a…
Check Out My Speaker Spotlight on Show Me the Blog
I’ll be speaking on Show Me the Blog conference in St. Louis this weekend. My topic is Freelance Ain’t Free: The Do’s and Don’ts of Freelancing for Sites & Publications and I’m super excited!! Not only do I get speak at a blogging conference (I love blogging); I get to speak about my first…
Author Eve Cogdell’s “It’s All About Love” Book Signing – October 20, 2012
Is this Offer of Help Worth It? [What Would You Do?]
Someone offered to speak on my behalf for an opportunity with which I’m seeking. While I know this person could probably move the process forward, I’ll probably decline. You’re probably thinking, “Well, that’s dumb,” and on the surface, without knowing all the details, it may be. However, I feel that the cost of this…