I had the opportunity to speak to several voters in my community about their feelings regarding the local and national elections on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 as a community journalist for Chi-Town Daily News. My article can be found at: http://www.chitowndailynews.org/Chicago_news/Voters_excited_wary_in_Auburn_Gresham_,18689
8 Tips for New & Returning Roller Skaters
This article was published on ezine articles on October 23, 2008. I was sharing my experience as a returning roller skater as an adult. Enjoy! http://ezinearticles.com/?Adult-Beginner-Roller-Skaters-8-Tips-For-New-and-Returning-Roller-Skaters&id=1558051
Stories for Independent Bulletin – September 2008
The following articles were published in the Independent Bulletin Newspaper during the months of September and October. Click the links for the entire story. The youth of Imagine Englewood if brought style and class to the less-than-stellar community (according to news reports) of Englewood in Chicago. hollywood-in-englewood Senior grandparents raising young children were honored by…
Marcie’s Writing Revelation
After going through a week of experiencing a writing “funk”, I have gotten over whatever was bothering me. I spoke with my writing mentor and she told me “to just write”. Stop re-visiting and revising articles and write. My friend, Demond, told me that I need to make writing my job, not a secondary activity….
Still Seeking Grandparents 35 and Under
If you are a grandparent 35 years old or younger, please contact me at 877-570-5228 to share your story. I’m waiting to hear from you. Marcie
My Jasmine Plummer Story
I had the opportunity to interview Jasmine Plummer, the young lady on which The Longshots movie was based, in September. While it was a great opportunity, I have an unfinished story that is just “here.” I lost my enthusiasm for the story as I wrote it. At first I didn’t know why. The more I…
Marcie’s Growth Spurt
I am currently working with a nonprofit organization on a fundraiser, and I’m moving into new ventures. My accomplishments include A press release which was declared “perfect” by Julia McEvoy of Chicago Public Radio I sent the announcement to several media sources and it was published on CAN-TV, Chicago Public Radio, Independent Bulletin Newspaper, WGN…
A Big Huge Thanks to My Writing Support
There are a few people that I need to thank as I move along in my writer’s life. Of course, I have to thank my mother, Verlene Hill-Phillips, for not saying what she really thinks about my 101 business ventures. She knows that I am a busy-body, but she lets me do what I need…
I Finally Interviewed Jasmine Plummer
This is a great day for me. After months and months of trying to get to the Jasmine Plummer, I finally have my interview. Now, I just pray that the publications I send my articles to care enough about what I write to accept my stories.
30-Somethings Married to Same Person for 10 Years or More
Hi All~ I need 30-somethings that have been married to the same person for 10 years or more to share their stories. Please answer the following questions and return to me as soon as possible. Answer these questions with your spouse if possible. Also, include a picture of you and your spouse to include in the article or…