Do you think Americans are ready for an open discussion on racism in America especially after this health care reform
Racist Visions Shown by the Media
Ok, I’m about to pop. With all of the blatant and ignorant racial comments by people in power (and some not so), it’s bugging me that no one is actually talking about the root of the issue. We can sit around, point fingers, and place blame as long as we want, but until the cause…
I think there should be an ope…
I think there should be an open and honest discussion on race in America. It’s a surface topic but no one is talking about it. Why is that?
I Am Going to Win A Business Plan Writing Contest
Since entering the Miller Coors Business Plan Writing Contest last year, I am determined to win a business plan writing contest this year. I already have an idea. I’m going to start working it after I finish writing a draft of my book which should be done by Mid-April. This is soooooooooooooooo exciting. Anyway, I’m…
My Writing Assignments Are Going Well
I am a journalist for How They Living Ain’t No Joke, the baby of George and Peytyn Willborn. Quite exciting. Also, I am editing True Elegance Magazine. OK, I only did two stories. Just know that the ones that are grammatically correct and easy to read are mine. I contributed to our church’s history book…
Make NO Small Moves
This advice was given to me by Zondra Hughes, author of Living The Ebony Life, editor at N’Digo MagaPaper, and my new writing coach. She shared this with me as I shared my writing goals with her. Essentially, the main thing I need right now is someone to report my progress to. I’m always writing,…
Check out My Live Blog Session
I did my first “official” live blog session last night at Are You Brainwashed? at DuSable Museum. It was a panel discussion moderated by Tavis Smiley. Tom Burrell, Cornel West and Ifa Bayeza were panelists. Check them out on The Write Design Company or Shorty: Your Chicago South Side Resource. That was exciting and fun!
So Much Good Stuff Going On
First, I will be taking Adobe classes through the Workforce Investment Act. What does that mean? FREE! Second, I am going to start researching my target market for The Write Design Company tomorrow. There are un-tapped markets waiting for me. Third, I’m enjoying comedy writing more this session. I think it is because we have…
Submitted Query to American Legacy Magazine
I know the story idea I submitted is good, and expect to hear from them in the near future. I’ll share more details about the story when it gets published.
Success: My Article is 399 Words
It is 2:36 a.m. on Monday, and I finally got my George Daniels story to 399 words. I’m going edit it one more time, and then I’m going to bed. Just wanted to share. As stated in my previous message, I have completed my two stories for How The Living (HTL); now, I just have…