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What is your favorite court TV…
What is your favorite court TV show?
The TV show that made it OK to…
The TV show that made it OK to be unmarried and over 30: Mary Tyler Moore. That show created an uproar in its day. Today, it’s the norm.
What is your favorite TV show?…
What is your favorite TV show? Why?
Do you know which TV show made…
Do you know which TV show made society more acceptable of unmarried women over thirty who wanted to work instead of start a family?
Does TV reflect or shape socie…
Does TV reflect or shape society?? What do you think?
Is the Census Bureau Ignoring the African American Community?
I was listening to Chicago Speaks on V103 FM this past Sunday morning and former Alderman Dorothy Tillman, Ty Wansley, and Darlene Hill were discussing the absence of census bureau attention to the African American community. The three things I remember were: 1) the lack of workers canvassing African American neighborhoods; 2) the lack of…
Values were determined by chur…
Values were determined by church, family and government before TV. Which of these institutions have the greatest influence today?
I’m In It to Win
I have a dope webcam that takes photos! Last year I was so excited about entering the Miller Coors Business Plan writing competition. I was even more elated about completing a business plan for my blog, As NOT Seen on TV. While that’s all fine and dandy, I’m ready to win this year. I have…
Have you completed your census…
Have you completed your census forms yet? Very important. Don’t delay!