I know that sounds like a huge goal – and it is, but it is not impossible. I’m going to start studying rich people starting with the Forbes 400 and then reading about what they do to keep their wealth. I know some of them inherited their money, but there are things they do to…
Merry Christmas from Marcie
Have a very blessed Merry Christmas and be safe.
I’m Going to Stop Listening to People for the Rest of the Year
Everyone has opinions. Which is cool. I’m open to learning. But when I’m so close to my goal and you try to inject your opinion into what I should do, I have a problem. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so open to learning that people should be paying me to educate me (I’m such a…
My Neglect of My Site
Yeah, I know I’ve been neglecting my site. It is not intentional. I have bee working on laying the foundation for The Write Design Company and working to make Shorty: Your Chicago South Side Resource relevant. This is no joke, but very necessary. I have to work on making my dreams come true; otherwise, I…
Update on Marcie’s Writing Life
Do you want to know what’s going on with my writing life ? For those of you who really care, check out what’s going on in my writing world at Clara’s 54 Weblog. I want to thank Clara Freeman, the owner of the site, for sharing my goals and accomplishments with her readers. http://clara54.wordpress.com/2010/12/18/clara54s-whatcha-doing-series-with-marcie-hill/
Resources for Literacy Rates
I noticed that I’ve been getting a lot of hits for people interested in literacy rates. I reached out to the International Reading Association and received the following list resources. I hope this helps with your goals. Be sure to share other literacy sites encounter by leaving a comment below. Thanks. Monographs and Reports ETS…
I submitted 2 proposals to present at the Blogging While Brown 2011 in Los Angeles next year, and I need your vote to move forward in the process. Could you take time from your busy schedule to vote for me, please? Also, could you vote daily if you remember? Voting ends on December 30, 2010….
If I Could Have A Brutally Honest Conversation with President Barack Obama
Poor President Obama. It is obvious he is purposed for presidency because anyone else would have been out of the White House by now. By choice. The Tea Party people would not have had to worry about him. But God put Prez Obama there; and God is keeping him there. His presence in the White…
Why Do People Expect Me to Work for Free?
I attended Les Brown’s Greatness Center at The Regal Theater last night and had the following conversation with a colleague in attendance. Colleague: Are you blogging this event? Me: No. Colleague: Well, this is something you should be blogging. Me: I will if he pays me. Colleague: Well, you should be blogging this. Me: I…