The journey of success is not easy and a mental break is needed. I’ll be back on the same schedule in July with periodic updates in June on great things happening in my ventures. Thanks for your support and see you soon.
I’m Now a Diamond Member at Ezine Articles
My diamond membership gives me priority approval for my article submissions, a diamond next to my name and a low word count for articles. This is a small, but happy victory.
My Thoughts on the Article About Black Women Being Less Attractive than Other Races
I have not read this story and do not intend to. However, I do have several thoughts on the subject of this article as a black woman. First of all, this is complete and utter bullshit.Black women are beautiful and have hues that range the color spectrum. We look good and everyone knows it. Second,…
In Oprah’s Defense & Marcie’s Note to O
I was listening to a talk radio show today and a caller said that she did not watch Oprah in her 25 years on TV because she didn’t feel like O had used her platform to address black issues. Ok, there are my thoughts to that statement. First of all, it was called The Oprah…
Working for FREE is NOT an Option
I went to a professional association meeting last night and saw a leader of another local organization. She told said, “Sometimes you have to work for free…” I so sick of hearing that shit, I don’t know what to do. When I met the leader of that association, he said the same thing. I told…
My Salute to Hurley Green
Hurley Green III, Managing Editor of The Chicago Independent Bulletin (The Bulletin) newspaper, is an absolute godsend. I know the impact he’s had on my life, and I’m sure many of the people whose lives he’s touched through The Bulletin would agree that he’s someone special. Every week for nearly 40 years The Bulletin has…
My Reaction to “O”‘s Taping
I know I’m a little late with this but I’m still trying to recover from the star-struck evening. How could one not be amazed at having Aretha Franklin, Madonna, Maya Angelou, Patti LaBelle and Stevie Wonder on the same stage?!!! For FREE. Then, Michael Jordan, Tom Hanks, Jerry Seinfeld, Alicia Keyes, Tyler Perry, Will &…
Why Am I So Shiny?
This is a rhetorical question because the other alternative is being ashy so I guess I can’t complain. But just looking at this picture, I am pretty shiny. What can be done to handle this?
The Write Design Was Nominated for Best Business Blog!
The Write Design Company was nominated for the Best Business Blog for the 2011 Black Weblog Awards. So, I’ll be attending the awards show on the same day I present Live Blogging 101 at the Blogging While Brown Conference. Woo hoo! What’s even cooler is – I got VIP seating because my blog was nominated….
Things I Hate
Right now, I’m in a real pissy mood and I really need to express things that I hate or I’m going to pop. First, I hate it when people want you to respond immediately to their needs but could give a damn about yours. I have a buddy who was supposed to do something…