Bad Sex on TV?

I was watching Boss on Starz and campaign guru Kitty O’Neill and reporter Sam Miller had sex, which looked very real. Afterward, they were making post-sex small-talk, looking all mellow and relaxed. As I watched this couple, I started wondering if any T.V. show or movie ever showed characters having bad sexual experiences on T.V. I don’t recall seeing it; do you?
Not all experiences are good, but this is rarely seen on T.V. In fact, I’ve heard horror stories about people really wanting someone and when they got him or her, neither the sex nor the experience was good. And married couples have their own tales of bad sex.
I do wonder: how much do sexual images shown in T.V. and movies contribute to poor sexual behaviors in society? If we always see people having “good” sex, we’d want to have good sex, too. Following are some of theT.V. and movies messages that contribute to bad sexual behaviors.
T.V. Messages that Contribute to Bad Sexual Behaviors

- We get the impression that all sex is good and all sexual experiences are positive – all the time. This is totally not true.
- Teens are being told that it’s okay to have sex. Period.
- I don’t watch T.V. often, but I don’t see messages of safe sex. Very few people use condoms in their encounters. The couples don’t even have the conversations prior to relations; they just do “it”.
- Promiscuity is being promoted. Have you seen the number of partners that some people have – single and married?
- This plays into the images that one night stands are okay.
- Married people are being told that adultery is okay. In other cases, the cheating partner is being egged on to do it more.
- What about those men on the “down low”? The ones that are heterosexual or married in public, and homosexual behind closed doors. This deception is contributing to increased AIDS rate of heterosexual women.
- I can’t say if bi-sexual activity is being promoted. If it is, this is only creating a huge state of confusion among people who are trying it. At some point, they have to make a decision about who they are, which many of them do not want to do. And ultimately this contributes to the spreading of sexual diseases.
- Sex can be used to get promoted at work, promoted in life, or to obtain other material things. We see women engaging in these practices; rarely do we men using sex to get these same things.
- What about sexual harassment? These are unwanted sexual advances or a hostile working environment. Unless the show is about unwanted sex – which we rarely see – we only see this in movies or on the news. And we rarely see homosexual sexual harassment or unwanted advanced by male subordinates.
- Another message we get from the media is that it’s okay to have a sexual relationship and not a committed relationship, also known as “friends with benefits.” This is a totally ironic message because these people go in thinking that they’re having sex with no strings attached, but at some point expectations or feelings kick in and messes it all up. So, do these “friends with benefits” actually stay friends? And are the benefits really worth it?
- And showing cross-dressers is toxic. There are many people in this world confused about their sexuality, and this only adds to it. From what I’ve seen on T.V. (I haven’t met any cross-dressers personally), many of these people say they are men who want to be women or vice versa. Here’ what would be a great help to viewers: make a decision and live with it. It would also help to share your emotions and experiences during this process.
Bad Sex and T.V.
Okay, this post was not meant to be this long. In fact, the second half wasn’t even on my list of topics. I just wanted to share my thoughts on the sex scene in Boss and ended up writing a dissertation on T.V. messages on sexual behaviors.
So, getting back to the original point. Have you ever seen anyone have bad sex on T.V.? If so, which one(s)? Do you think T.V. messages contribute to poor sexual behaviors in society?