Check out my article, Chicago: The Cultural & Entertainment Mecca of the Midwest, in the Inaugural Issue of Bougie Magazine (pgs. 40 – 41). Angela Reed, the creator of this stellar publication, asked me to contribute on Twitter . We spoke on the phone about what she wanted and the deadline, and it was done!…
Author: Ms. Marcie
Don’t Forget My Social Media Seminar for Community Organizations on 11/18/11
Great News! I will conducting a Social Media Seminar for Community Organizations on Friday, November 18, 2011. Title: Community Organizations: Use Social Media to Increase Your Reach As the “go-to” centers in the community, residents in local and nearby neighborhoods rely on community organizations to provide information, resources and assistance. While their works are known…
Challenges with Covering Community People & News
I just wanted to share the issues I have encountered in trying to help build my community through media coverage. Ok, I know I’m not a multi-billion dollar media outlet. YET. I can’t say I have a thousand dollars to spare these days, but I do have a passion for covering people and stories that…
Honoring Veterans Day & Heavy D
Happy Veteran’s Day to everyone who has and still are serving our country. Your courage and dedicated are greatly appreciated. My heart goes out to the family to Heavy D. He was my first boyfriend, and will be missed. Images: Prefixmag, Hudsonhorizons
Your Feedback Needed on Roller Skating Site
I have finally completed Real Skate Stories, my roller skating site, and would like your feedback on it.It has not been launched yet because I have not received authorizations to use all of the images just yet. I set up the site to collect stories of roller skaters who skate on quad skates – not…
Tips for Aspiring Authors Who Lack Writing Skills
Recently, I have had conversations with several people who expressed interest in writing books but lack writing skills. From those discussions, I noticed three categories that aspiring authors fall into. First, there are the people who want to write but lack skills. Then, there are people who clearly have stories in them, but don’t want…
Do You Think I Can Give Up Blogging for a Month?
I said I was going to stop blogging for the month of December to compile my research for my roller skating book. In my mind, I can do it. Realistically, I’m not so sure. So, I ask you, my readers: Do you think I can give up blogging for a month? [polldaddy poll=5640012]
Marcie’s Book Review: “How to Write a Sentence and How to Read One”
No disrespect to Professor Stanley Fish, the author of “How to Write a Sentence and How to Read One,” but this book is too long and too complicated to teach people how to write a sentence. First of all, a book on how to write a sentence should NOT be 163 pages. That’s even intimidating…
Quick Update: Roller Skating Site Not Ready
Hi All! Just wanted to let you know that my roller skating site is not ready :(. Not because of my slacking…this time. I’m waiting for approval to use someone’s image. Hopefully, they’ll respond soon.
Internships/Fellowships at Democracy Now! – Apply by November 15, 2011
*News Production Fellowship * Democracy Now!, a New York-based independent, non-commercial daily radio/TV/Internet news hour is seeking applicants for three paid internships/fellowships beginning in early 2012 in the concentrations listed below. 1) Video/TV News Production*–must be proficient in video shooting and editing with Final Cut Pro. Duties will include filming speeches, press conferences and protests…