I had a couple questions based on recent events. 1. Who determines who should be a role model? 2. What qualifies athletes as role models? 3. Are people who wear their hair naturally perceived as gay? If so, why?
Author: Ms. Marcie
Shorty Says: Thank God for People Who Love Me
In addition to my mother and sister, I have 5 friends who I hold really tight to: Sam, Tasha P., Demond, Jenny and Joy. They support and encourage me in so many ways, but the one thing they do for my that is absolutely invaluable is listen. They are not judgmental. They let me do…
I’m About to Shut My Mouth
So, I started working on my confidence by video recording messages to my friends. In the process, I created a message to Tiger Woods requesting an interview. I was trying to make it 12 seconds so it could be my first post on 12 seconds TV. I told someone near to me what I did….
Happy 5th Anniversary Jenny & Steve
Just wanted to wish you guys a very happy 5th Anniversary.
Shorty’s Thoughts on Shorty’s Blogging
I started this blog on November 26th. Do you know I have 63 posts including this one, and it has been a month yet? My thoughts on why this is so. 1. Thank God for blogs. 2. I really don’t have anyone to talk to who hasn’t tired of listening to me. 3. Who really…
Your Stuff is NOT Important to Me
I told someone I would do something for “them”. No problem. It’s done. I get a message back telling me to include additional information. Now, see, that’s too much. I did what “they” asked; now “they” want more. I must admit that I really don’t care. I responded by telling “them” to give me what…
Shorty’s Time Out
Someone told me that I was on a “time-out” from writing. Putting me on a time-out from writing is like taking food from the fat babies on Maury. Ok, while I thought comparing my writing time-out to taking food from the babies was funny, I nearly fell out when I found the “I Love Fat…
Bills Bills Bills
So, I am pissed about this $227 water bill that needs to be paid. My bill has been going up every year. While that is understandable, I am really pissed because I didn’t even water my grass this summer like I should have. WTF?? Then, I have these high ass phone bills. AT & T…
Shorty’s New Tattoo
I am convinced that I should have ASS tattooed across my forehead. I try to be nice, but in the end people try to take advantage. I have a feeling I will be using this pic a lot in the near future.
People See So Much In Me
Why can’t I see it? Last week someone told me that she was going to talk to her friend who is a producer about me. I asked her for what. Duh!!!! Writing for a movie. A couple months ago I was sharing a book idea with someone, and she told me to let her know…