I am finding that a lot of my topics on As NOT Seen on TV are African American and women. I think that is because I fall into both categories. 🙂 Although my blog is going to be multicultural, this is a good start. I was concerned that I would not have anything to discuss….
Author: Ms. Marcie
Black Women Aren’t the Only Single Ladies
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWTXhHABj_A According to the above video, 42% of Black women are not married; there is very little hope of them marrying a Black Man; and over 70% of professional Black women with letters behind their names do not have M.R.S. in front of their names. Check out what Demetria Lucas of Essence Magazine shared in…
6 Degrees of Separation or Fewer
It is believed that there is 6 degrees of separation between people you know. I’d like to think that there are fewer degrees than that. Let me tell you why. I had a meeting with someone on Friday. She was telling me her background and experience. She made a statement, and I started having flashbacks…
What Goes Around Comes Around
Today, I got the most blessed advice from someone regarding my business. I am totally excited. BUT, earlier in the day, I gave a couple resources to someone who is doin’ his thang with photography. I knew a little bit, so I shared it. I just felt that the information I received was a result…
Writing Ego or Free Fatigue
I don’t know if I’m developing a writing ego or if I’m just tired of people asking me to write and edit for free. Whichever it is, I’m feeling something. Allow me to explain. I went to an organization to request resources for my Shorty Resource blog. The person I spoke to told me that…
I Love Writing, Blogging & Sharing Information
If money were no issue, I would write and blog all day. I didn’t know how much I loved information until this week. Everywhere I go I pick up paper. Although this is totally cluttering my workspace, as long as I bless someone with the information I gather, it is worth it. I just wanted…
I Am So Scholastic
I don’t even know how to shorthand text messages. Is that abnormal? I don’t know. Can somebody let me know.
My Writing Frustration
I am sooooooooooooooooooo frustrated! I write good sketches for my comedy class, but they lack conflict. I don’t why I keep missing that element! The good thing is, I write good sketches. The not-so-good thing is, they lack conflict. I guess I shouldn’t feel too bad. At least the concepts are good. I’m going to…
I Am Branding Myself – I GOT THIS!
I spoke to someone I truly adore and admire a couple days ago. “They” were telling me that I needed to brand myself. I know this. That is what I am working on right now. It took me three months to figure it out; now, I’m putting my plan into action. I told “them” that…
Solidarity in Haiti Despite Media Reports on Looting
Check out this report about the bonding in Haiti despite media reports on looting and lawlessness. http://www.unmultimedia.org/radio/english/detail/89265.html