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Author: Ms. Marcie
Marcie’s Views on Race & Media in America
Let me begin by saying that I think that almost everything that happens in America is based on black and white. I’m not a rebel; I am a realist. And most of my opinions are based on my reality. The American media has very interesting ways of creating bonds and divisions based on these two…
I Am SOOOO Close
I am so close to a goal, I can feel it. First of all, I am going to create and teach social media marketing classes. I received an e-mail from a more established writing/media organization, and saw they were charging $350 for 4 weeks. While I don’t know all of the details, I am certain…
People Have All The Answers About What I Should Be Doing
If I sound a little sarcastic, it is because I am. First of all, people keep telling me what I should do. WTF??? I do not ask their thoughts on what I should be doing; they just tell me. I would like to think they have my best interests at heart, but it’s becoming annoying. …
“DON’T QUERY, BE HAPPY!” starts February 8th
“DON’T QUERY, BE HAPPY!” A popular online class for writers of all levels and genres, that teaches how to work smarter not harder, and earn more cash, will conduct a new session February 8, 2010. The class is taught by veteran writer and columnist, Jennifer Brown Banks. Credit cards accepted. Register today at: http://
No Longer Frustrated
In my previous post about my writing frustration, I shared that I write good sketches in my comedy writing class, but something is always missing. I discovered one thing missing: ME. As the only Black person in class, I try not to delve into cultural issues ,which tend to be stereotypical due to media portrayals. …
Thoughts from the Truly Nerdy
Have you ever wondered by the English language has so many verb tenses? I was writing something and had to check out grammar girl to find out if I was using it correctly. I was just wondering…
Do I Look Like I Want to Work for FREE?
I promise you I feel like I should have FREE written across my forehead. Seriously.
Progress Report
I have completed fan pages for Shorty and As NOT Seen on TV on FaceBook. Woo hoo! I inquired about a class I was advised to take to start a TV show. I pray to have that going by April depending on the class and topics covered. I already have the title. GoShorty TV is…
What’s Missing???
I am so close to finally reaching my gold, but something is missing. I don’t know what. Whatever it is, I know it is in my immediate grasp. It’s a little annoying, but I’m going to keep on movin’ until I reach it. I feel like Scooby-Doo looking for a clue. He always finds what…