I have always been an avid reader and follower of Ben Joravsky from the Chicago Reader. I love his passion for politics; his writing style; and his honesty in reporting. So, when I had an idea that dealt with changes in local politics, he was first to come to mind.
I e-mailed him on Tuesday and he actually called me back in response to that message. That was too cool because most people do just the opposite.
Then I called him on Wednesday morningĀ and woke him up (I still feel bad), and he called me back as promised. We spoke for about 10 minutes. I told him my idea and he gave me suggestions on the best way to put it into action.
He asked me if I was a lawyer. It was kinda cool to be thought of so highly during our brief conversation. Nope, I’m a very curious writer who asks a lot of question.
Our call disconnected and we have not connected again. Since I didn’t get a chance to say it during our call, I’m going to say it now:
Ben, thank you, for taking the time to speak with me – a complete stranger – and giving me suggestions on how to put my ideas into action. Your kindness is appreciated.
Image: www.chicagoreader.com