I know tons of people doing great things. But the best way I can support them is through my writing. I don’t mind helping people by promoting their products, services, events and programs on my sites and social networks. But, here’s a problem for me: These same people then ask me to either buy, invest in or attend their ventures. Most times, I’m not interested which is why I support through writing.
Should I feel obligated to invest my time and money in things I don’t want or need? Is promoting their ventures enough? What do you think?
P.S. Discussion posts are ways you can overcome blogger’s block
Image: blog.mysanantonio.com
It’s just a ruse to get you into their sales funnel. It should be an equal partnership, but never feel pressured to buy if it does not fit it with your business plan. If you want t promote their products that’s fine, but only if it’s an affiliate product.
Simmeon, thanks so much for your thoughts. I was having a conversation with someone once and I almost felt bad about not investing in their service, but I didn’t need it or want it. And honestly, I’d like to support everyone I know that’s doing good stuff and the best way for me to do it is through words.
Hi Marcie,
I agree, your writing is the best way to give support. I too like to help family members and friends through my writing. If you are giving of yourself, you are doing your part–it is ok to just past the plate to the next person. No further explanation is required. Thanks for sharing those thoughts.
Thanks Gloria! And many of the people I help know very little about marketing and promotion (I’m still learning), and this is pretty much free publicity for them.