I just have a few back end things to do, but Shorty should be up and running by Friday, November 20th. I have three more blogs to work on (I know I’m waaay extreme) that will be done by the end of this month. I am soooo excited! I feel overly accomplished.
I wonder…when should I officially stop using shortyindahouse.wordpress.com? Hmmm….. It will probably be Friday. I feel the dollar signs coming on. Ka-ching!
And, I’m so excited to have a site dedicated to my thoughts only. My other blog at http://shortyindahouse.wordpress.com houses everything – my thoughts, things going on in the community, deaths…everything. I am really moving in the right direction.
Another thought, I must use more visuals. They will not only appeal to my readers; they may make me interested in my posts also. 🙂