Writing is my passion and purpose. I didn’t know how much it was a part of me until the writing spirit overpowered me, and prompted me to leave my job and career in human resources to pursue my passion on February 14, 2008. That was the best Valentine’s Day gift ever. My supervisor must have felt that same spirit, because when I asked her if she would let me go with unemployment, she said yes.
I define my writing life by the three Ds: discouraged, distracted and determined. Allow me to explain.
When I left my job to pursue a freelance writing career, I quickly got discouraged by the rejections and lack of responses by the publications to which I submitted stories.
A few months later, blogging and social media were all the rage, and I got sucked in…quickly. That was a pleasant distraction where I could still write, create and hold conversations. Unfortunately, I was not getting paid for any of it.
Now I am determined to put my all loves together – writing, blogging, speaking and training – to help others tell their stories their way.