If you watch the news I’m sure you’ve seen the video of the white police officer going mad in McKinney, Texas, chasing unarmed black teenagers, pulling his gun and rough-handling a teenage girl at a pool party.
Why I’m Livid
While I have not seen the video in its entirety, I’ve seen enough to be livid about what I saw. It almost brought tears to my eyes for several reasons.
First of all, those children belong to somebody. How would that officer had felt had someone had attacked their children in any manner?? I tell you, those badges and the right to bear firearms create a false sense of superiority that needs to be checked.
Secondly, they are children. Black youth in America cannot have fun. I bet the cops were called because they were black. I’m almost certain if those young people had been white…
Wait a minute!!! If the children been had been white, the cops would not have been call unless violence had erupted. Even then, they probably would have gotten off with a warning. And I wouldn’t be writing this post.
Thirdly, what gives you the right to put your hands on these children and pull your gun?? Yes, cops have the authority to handcuff them if they are doing wrong, but this dude was ridiculous.
Okay, those were the things that brought tears to my eyes. Now, here are my thoughts about the situation.
Racism in Texas
1. Texas is already known for being SUPER racist to everybody. They were the last state to release the slaves in 1865.
2. I was watching a 20/20 segment about race and there was a black guy who was locked up for years for robbing somebody even though he gave the dude his wallet back. He got out and was given life in prison for being in possession of a joint while on parole.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town where race and class rule, a white dude who killed someone was out on parole. He was enjoying his freedom even though it was proven that he took a life.
3. I remember years a news story years ago where some guys in a pick-up truck dragged a black guy. I don’t remember the whole story or the outcome, I just remember it happened in Texas.
Racism and Justice in America
Let’s be real. The foundation of this whole situation is about race against black people in America. I don’t know anything about McKinney, TX, but I do know that
- Historically speaking, if more than two black people are together, some white people feel threatened. In slave days, masters and plantation overseers forbade black people from gather in groups outside of church services.
- Heck, in some cities, black people – especially black men – cannot walk down the street without being pulled over; cannot drive without being pulled over. They can catch a case but can’t catch a cab.
- Racism is still alive in America. The blessing of today is that we have video showing how bad it is.
- I was told by a former police officer that they are trained to treat certain groups a certain way. I don’t know if this true; I’m just sharing what I was told.
- This is just history repeating itself. What we are seeing now are legal lynchings. Police officers are probably using some of the same excuses to shoot unarmed black and brown people that were used post-slavery to lynch newly freed formerly enslaved people.
- Unfortunately, this cop may not get punished for his actions, which has happened in similar cases recently.
- As long the justice system approve of such injustices the scales of justice will never balance in favor of black and brown people in America.
Please Clarify for Me
So, I have a few questions. Please help me understand.
- Why do police officers get administrative leave with pay? Why can’t their lives be disrupted like the people’s lives they’ve disrupted?
- Why can’t cops be guilty until proven innocent like most of their arrestees (mostly black and brown people)?
- What can really be done about cops’ violence actions against black people? I heard one news report saying sensitivity training will be given. Really???? That’s a waste of money. A better solution would be to have them sit in peace circle in the communities they’ve bullied…unarmed.
- Do you really think that sensitivity training and diversity training will actually change the minds and behavior of people that are trained to treat certain groups a certain way?
How About You?
I’m going to stop here, but I would love to know your thoughts:
What would you have done had that been your child being mistreated by ANY police officer in that video?
What do you think would be a fair punishment for the officer’s behavior?
How do you think police mistreatment of black and brown people can change?
Do you think it would ever change?
First, the guy has to be fired. After that… I’m not sure. It’s horrendous but I’m not sure if he broke any laws or not. Thus, I’m not sure what they could charge him with. It’s totally outrageous, yet if he feared for his life after being surrounded… heck, even if he didn’t, if he says it the judge will let him off like they did that guy who jumped on top of the car & shot those two men multiple times.
Mitch, wouldn’t that kinda be at least assault? If I walked up to you and just slapped you for no reason, I could be arrested for assault. A grown, burly dude sitting on the back of a kid – a skinny female – is some time of assault or abuse. I hope he knows that the law of reciprocity is real. What goes around, comes around. If he has children, he should be REALLY concerned. And he should be really afraid for his life right about now.
Maybe in a normal situation. In his case he was responding to a 911 call which gives him a bit of immunity at least initially. For all the video we’ve seen, none of us have seen what happened at the beginning. I’m not defending this guy by the way; I’m just saying that, when all is said and done, since he resigned it’s probably over by now. Well, except for that woman who started it all now losing her job.